Nila Vigil, Lucy Gutiérrez
La comunidad nativa de Atahualpa (comunidad asháninka), anexo del distrito de Río Bertha, en la provincia de Satipo, departamento de Junín, Perú, al igual que muchas de las comunidades indígenas del Perú no ejerce sus derechos efectivos, debido a que las políticas estatales, específicamente, las educativas se desarrollan desde una perspectiva centralista y homogeneizante. En consecuencia, la comunidad de Atahualpa refleja una situación de tensión en relación con su experiencia asháninka y el avance de los grupos castellanohablantes de poder. La importancia de este estudio radica en la evidencia y pertinencia de una Educación Intercultural Bilingüe (EIB) que surja a partir de la participación social real de los niños y niñas, padres de familia, ancianos y autoridades comunales. De esta manera, la EIB constituirá una base sólida sobre la que se fortalezca el autodesarrollo indígena con identidad.
The Native Community of Atahualpa (asháninka people) located in the district of Rio Bertha in the province of Satipo in Junin, Peru -like many other native communities in this country- experience a lack of effective educational rights due to governmental policies and which are developed from a centre point of view. Therefore, the community of Atahualpa lives a situation of sociolinguistic tension where their daily life has been jeopardise by the entry of groups of power, mainly, Castilian-speakers. The importance of this study relies on the evidence and pertinence of an Intercultural Bilingual Education (EIB) that takes into account the participation of the children, parents, elders and the community leaders. At the same time, a relevant “EIB” will provide a solid base in which to strengthen Ashaninka’s self develop and identity.
The Native Community of Atahualpa (asháninka people) located in the district of Rio Bertha in the province of Satipo in Junin, Peru -like many other native communities in this country- experience a lack of effective educational rights due to governmental policies and which are developed from a centre point of view. Therefore, the community of Atahualpa lives a situation of sociolinguistic tension where their daily life has been jeopardise by the entry of groups of power, mainly, Castilian-speakers. The importance of this study relies on the evidence and pertinence of an Intercultural Bilingual Education (EIB) that takes into account the participation of the children, parents, elders and the community leaders. At the same time, a relevant “EIB” will provide a solid base in which to strengthen Ashaninka’s self develop and identity.
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