Manuel Francisco Romero Oliva
Esta investigación pretende determinar el grado de aportación de la enseñanza de la gramática en la competencia comunicativa de un grupo determinado de alumnos. Para ello hemos efectuado un contraste entre un grupo de alumnos de 6º de E.P.O., que no ha recibido reflexión gramatical, y otro grupo de alumnos de 4º de ESO, que ha experimentado un aprendizaje sistematizado de la gramática durante los cuatro cursos de la etapa de Secundaria. El estudio de los resultados servirá para ofrecer consideraciones didácticas en el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje de la Lengua.
Didactic considerations for control and syntactical complexity
The following essay aims to determine how teaching grammar helps to communicative competente for a group of students. To this end it has been made a verification between a group of students of 6th Primary School degree, who haven’t been trained in grammatical reflexion and a group of students of 4th Secondary School, who have received a systematic learning ofgrammar during their four years of Secondary School. The result will be useful to present didactic considerations in the process of teaching-learning a language.
Didactic considerations for control and syntactical complexity
The following essay aims to determine how teaching grammar helps to communicative competente for a group of students. To this end it has been made a verification between a group of students of 6th Primary School degree, who haven’t been trained in grammatical reflexion and a group of students of 4th Secondary School, who have received a systematic learning ofgrammar during their four years of Secondary School. The result will be useful to present didactic considerations in the process of teaching-learning a language.
Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura, gramática, enseñanza, competencia comunicativa, complejidad sintáctica, Language and Literature Didactics, grammar, teaching, communicative competente, syntactic complexity
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