Tonos Digital, NÚMERO 16 - DICIEMBRE 2008


Javier Rodríguez Pequeño


In this work one is the laughter, essentially human element, very of this world, like the most important factor in the crimes that take place in the benedictine abbey of The name of the rose of Umberto Eco. The laughter is dangerous for the Church of the time because it causes that the men are not scared, causes that they lose the fear of God, one of the foundations of the benedictine order. And it is more dangerous still if who it legitimizes the laughter is Aristotle, a recognized authority. By means of the laughter, Eco perfectly shows to the struggle between the assassin and the detective, bad and the good one, the medieval man and the Renaissance one, between the past and future, the Metafisica and the Physics.

Detective novel, The name of the rose, U. Eco, Laugther. (Novela policiaca, El nombre de la rosa, Umberto Eco, la risa

Texto completo: PDF

Revista Electrónica de Estudios Filológicos
ISSN 1577-6921

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