Francisco Gómez Ortín
El presente artículo completa otro anterior publicado en la revista Tonos Digital sobre la traducción española del saludo ‘Dios te salve’. Se fundamentan histórica y filológicamente las vicisitudes de esta peculiar traducción y se proponen nuevas soluciones que acaben con este disparate lingüístico y recuperen la intención y el sentido originario de la fórmula salutatoria.
The present paper complements another published in the Tonos Digital journal about the Spanish translation of the greeting '¡Dios te salve!'. The vicissitudes of this particular translation are historically and philologically explained and new solutions are proposed in order to finish this linguistic nonsense and to rescue the original intention and sense of the greeting formula.
The present paper complements another published in the Tonos Digital journal about the Spanish translation of the greeting '¡Dios te salve!'. The vicissitudes of this particular translation are historically and philologically explained and new solutions are proposed in order to finish this linguistic nonsense and to rescue the original intention and sense of the greeting formula.
History of translation, false friends, translation errors, Catholic formulae
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