Tonos Digital, NÚMERO 12 - DICIEMBRE 2006


Mercedes Banegas Saorín


The relative complex apposition, as well as the simple apposition, may be linked or unlinked. So, in this study we include all the appearances of the relative clauses with an expressed antecedent, observing what makes the difference or the similarity between the ones and the others, on a syntactic and semantic point of view. The determinative, the explicative and the appositive relative clauses used with el que and aquel que are analyzed regarding the notions of restriction, cohesion with the antecedent and thus autonomy, intonation, the type of pronoun used and the type of subordination implemented. This line of thought leads us to a conclusion which shows four ideas: the relative apposition, the relative restriction, adjectivity vs substantivity and the specificities of the appositive relative clause.

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Revista Electrónica de Estudios Filológicos
ISSN 1577-6921

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