Víctor Sierra Matute
Algunos críticos citan el Retrato de la Lozana andaluza como precursor de la novela picaresca; otros van más allá y afirman que la Lozana "es la primera novela picaresca"; y, sin embargo, parte de la crítica niega cualquier vinculación entre ambos. Ante afirmaciones tan radicalmente opuestas, creemos necesario realizar una nueva lectura la Lozana poniendo atención a los elementos que comparte con la picaresca y los elementos que la alejan de esta para, de esta forma, acometer un análisis crítico y exhaustivo. En el presente artículo pretendemos analizar en qué medida es estrecha la relación entre la Lozana andaluza y el género picaresco y si puede afirmarse, por tanto, que está íntimamente ligada a los orígenes del género.
Some critics believe El retrato de la Lozana andaluza to be the antecedent of the picaresque novel, others go one further and state that Lozana is the first one; however, part of the literature denies the connection between said work and the genre. As we consider these diametrically opposed points of view, we believe a new approach to La Lozana is necessary: one that pays special attention both to those aspects that link the work to the picaresque novel and to those that separate it from the genre. The present essay's aim is to analyze the relation between La Lozana andaluza and the picaresque novel, trying to establish whether Delicado's work is closely related to the origins of the genre or not.
Some critics believe El retrato de la Lozana andaluza to be the antecedent of the picaresque novel, others go one further and state that Lozana is the first one; however, part of the literature denies the connection between said work and the genre. As we consider these diametrically opposed points of view, we believe a new approach to La Lozana is necessary: one that pays special attention both to those aspects that link the work to the picaresque novel and to those that separate it from the genre. The present essay's aim is to analyze the relation between La Lozana andaluza and the picaresque novel, trying to establish whether Delicado's work is closely related to the origins of the genre or not.
Retrato de la Lozana andaluza, Francisco Delicado, novela picaresca, Retrato de la Lozana andaluza, Francisco Delicado, picaresque novel.
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