María Belén Romano
En este trabajo analizamos el modo como los medios masivos de comunicación participan en la generación, representación y difusión de los escándalos políticos a través de diferentes estrategias discursivas con el objetivo de desvelar ideologías subyacentes y relaciones de poder existentes entre los medios y el sistema político. El corpus está formado por noticias publicadas en los diarios La Nación y Página 12, en junio de 2007 durante el gobierno de Néstor Kirchner, referidas al hallazgo de dinero en el baño del despacho de la ex ministra de Economía Felisa Miceli. El marco teórico y metodológico se basa en los postulados del análisis crítico del discurso y de la lingüística sistémico funcional. Entre las conclusiones destacamos que los matutinos, a partir de la selección de temas, de la organización de la información, de la elección de ciertos procesos verbales, de las voces que introducen en el espacio discursivo reflejan su posicionamiento con respecto al accionar del ex presidente y se constituyen como verdaderos actores sociales y políticos de las democracias actuales.
Grammatical, discoursive and critical analysis of news about political scandal in Argentinian press
In this paper we analyze the way the mass media involved in the generation, representation and dissemination of political scandals across different discursive strategies in order to reveal underlying ideologies and power relations between the media and the political system. The corpus consists of news published in newspapers La Nación and Página 12 in June 2007 during the government of Nestor Kirchner, referring to the discovery of money in the bathroom of the office of the former Economy Minister Felisa Miceli. The theoretical and methodological framework is based on ideas offered by critical discourse analysis and systemic functional linguistics. Among the conclusions we have found that, from topic selection, organization of information, the choice of certain verbal processes and the voices that are introduced in the discursive space, the newspapers reflect their position on the actions of the former president and are constituted as social and political actors of present democracies.
Grammatical, discoursive and critical analysis of news about political scandal in Argentinian press
In this paper we analyze the way the mass media involved in the generation, representation and dissemination of political scandals across different discursive strategies in order to reveal underlying ideologies and power relations between the media and the political system. The corpus consists of news published in newspapers La Nación and Página 12 in June 2007 during the government of Nestor Kirchner, referring to the discovery of money in the bathroom of the office of the former Economy Minister Felisa Miceli. The theoretical and methodological framework is based on ideas offered by critical discourse analysis and systemic functional linguistics. Among the conclusions we have found that, from topic selection, organization of information, the choice of certain verbal processes and the voices that are introduced in the discursive space, the newspapers reflect their position on the actions of the former president and are constituted as social and political actors of present democracies.
Análisis crítico; Lingüística Sistémico Funcional; discurso periodístico; escándalo político; ideología. Critical analysis; Systemic Functional Linguistics; journalistic discourse; political scandal; ideology.
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