José F. Lorenzo Rojas
El siglo XVIII estuvo marcado por una serie de acontecimientos y hechos relevantes en el devenir europeo a los que España no estuvo ajena. Uno de los más destacados fue la creación de la Real Academia de la Lengua y la de la Historia, y muchos fueron los hombres preparados para cambiar todas las esferas de la vida: intelectuales que prestaron su apoyo a la monarquía borbónica para poder llevarlos a cabo. De todos ellos nos interesa el geógrafo real Tomás López por ser el encargado de preparar el proyectado Diccionario Geográfico de España, quien elaboró un cuestionario de quince preguntas basado en el del Marqués de la Ensenada y que remitió a los párrocos de toda España. La importancia de la información recogida en las cartas sobre la sociedad, la geografía, la historia y especialmente la lengua de ese período (1778 a 1796) ha sido lo que ha despertado nuestro interés y, por consiguiente, el inicio de su estudio. No obstante, en este trabajo nos centramos en la carta del cura párroco y vicario de la localidad de Órgiva (Granada).
The eighteenth century was marked by a series of events and facts in the future Europe that Spain was not employed. One of the highlights was the creation of the Royal Academy of Language and History, and many men were prepared to change all spheres of life: intellectuals who supported the Bourbon monarchy in order to carry out . Of these we are interested in real geographer Thomas Lee for being in charge of preparing the proposed Gazetteer of Spain, who developed a questionnaire of fifteen questions based on the Marquis de la Ensenada and sent to parish priests in Spain. The importance of information in the letters about society, geography, history and especially the language of that period (1778-1796) has been what has attracted our interest and, therefore, the beginning of his study. However, in this work we focus on the letter of the parish priest and vicar of the town of Orgiva (Granada).
The eighteenth century was marked by a series of events and facts in the future Europe that Spain was not employed. One of the highlights was the creation of the Royal Academy of Language and History, and many men were prepared to change all spheres of life: intellectuals who supported the Bourbon monarchy in order to carry out . Of these we are interested in real geographer Thomas Lee for being in charge of preparing the proposed Gazetteer of Spain, who developed a questionnaire of fifteen questions based on the Marquis de la Ensenada and sent to parish priests in Spain. The importance of information in the letters about society, geography, history and especially the language of that period (1778-1796) has been what has attracted our interest and, therefore, the beginning of his study. However, in this work we focus on the letter of the parish priest and vicar of the town of Orgiva (Granada).
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