Francisco Gómez Ortín
Este estudio filológico aborda el vocabulario de Miguel Hernández. Hasta ahora, solamente se ha publicado un léxicon parcial, limitado a la producción poética de Miguel Hernández. La importancia del presente artículo radica en ser la primera investigación sobre el idiolecto del poeta, es decir, su personal lenguaje. El propósito del autor es descubrir la lengua hablada de Miguel Hernández y examinar completamente su dialecto murciano nativo a través de las palabras que utilizó el poeta oriolano. Un punto interesante digno de mención es el manejo total que el autor hace de las cartas de Miguel Hernández a su mujer Josefina. Este trabajo lingüístico va dividido en varias secciones, cuyas principales materias son: 1) el sufijo murciano -ico; 2) el habla valenciana; 3) léxico dual murciano-castellano; 4) vocabulario dialectal hernandiano; 5) léxico malsonante, y 6) análisis de fallos gramaticales de Miguel Hernández.
This philological study focuses on Miguel Hernández’s vocabulary. Till now, there is only published a partial lexicon, restricted to his poetry.The significance of this present article appears in being the pioneering research on our poet’s idiolect, that is to say, his own personal language. Author’s purpose is to discover Miguel Hernández’s spoken language and to examine thoroughly his native murcian dialect throught the words the oriolan poet used. An interesting point worthy of mention is the full use the author makes of M. Hernández’s letters sent to his wife Josefina. This investigative work is divided into several sections, whose main subjects are:1) the murcian suffix -ico; 2) the spoken valencian;3) dual murcian-castilian lexicon; 4) hernandian dialectal vocabulary; 5) dirty scatological words, and 6) grammatical analysis of M. Hernández’s some linguistic failures.
This philological study focuses on Miguel Hernández’s vocabulary. Till now, there is only published a partial lexicon, restricted to his poetry.The significance of this present article appears in being the pioneering research on our poet’s idiolect, that is to say, his own personal language. Author’s purpose is to discover Miguel Hernández’s spoken language and to examine thoroughly his native murcian dialect throught the words the oriolan poet used. An interesting point worthy of mention is the full use the author makes of M. Hernández’s letters sent to his wife Josefina. This investigative work is divided into several sections, whose main subjects are:1) the murcian suffix -ico; 2) the spoken valencian;3) dual murcian-castilian lexicon; 4) hernandian dialectal vocabulary; 5) dirty scatological words, and 6) grammatical analysis of M. Hernández’s some linguistic failures.
Vocabulario de Miguel Hernández - Poesía de Miguel Hernández - Idiolecto de Miguel Hernández - Habla de Miguel Hernández - Dialecto murciano - Correspondencia de Miguel Hernández a Josefina - Sufijo -ico - Habla valenciana - Léxico murciano-...
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