M. Ángeles Cantero Rosales
Este trabajo se plantea como objetivo profundizar en torno a algunas de las propuestas presentes en la narrativa de la escritora Pardo Bazán, fundamentalmente en aquellas referidas a los problemas vitales de sus personajes: la pugna entre los estereotipos sexistas impuestos socialmente y la ruptura de estos, el debate interior en torno a los valores éticos y morales transmitidos al género femenino por la sociedad decimonónica, el rechazo social a que la mujer trabajara y alcanzara su independencia … Propuestas realmente cruciales para la escritora si se tiene en cuenta que la propia Pardo Bazán padeció el rechazo y la crítica moral y social de un sector de la sociedad, toda vez que se negó a adoptar un comportamiento fiel al modelo ideológico y a las formas de vida que las instituciones y los discursos de la época proponían: la sublimación de la mujer como “ángel del hogar”.
The objective of this article is to look in depth at some issues present in the novels of the writer Pardo Bazán, especially in reference to the personal problems of her characters: the struggle between the sexual stereotypes imposed by society and breaking with these, the internal debate regarding ethical and moral values conferred upon women by 19th century society, the social rejection of the woman as a worker and independent. Crucial issues for the writer given that Pardo Bazán herself suffered rejection and moral and social criticism from a sector of society for not adapting her behavior to the ideological model and way of life that the institutions and the thinking of the age proposed: the sublimation of the woman as “angel del hogar”.
The objective of this article is to look in depth at some issues present in the novels of the writer Pardo Bazán, especially in reference to the personal problems of her characters: the struggle between the sexual stereotypes imposed by society and breaking with these, the internal debate regarding ethical and moral values conferred upon women by 19th century society, the social rejection of the woman as a worker and independent. Crucial issues for the writer given that Pardo Bazán herself suffered rejection and moral and social criticism from a sector of society for not adapting her behavior to the ideological model and way of life that the institutions and the thinking of the age proposed: the sublimation of the woman as “angel del hogar”.
Ruptura de estereotipos femeninos, defensa del trabajo para las mujeres, ángel del hogar/autonomía personal
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