Mohamed El-Madkouri Maataoui
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo, sin ninguna pretensión de exhaustividad, analizar algunos refranes árabes desde la perspectiva lingüístico-cognitiva y traductológica para comprobar su traducibilidad a algunas de las lenguas románicas como el español, por ejemplo. Se ha elegido el refranero como fuente de los datos analizados por su especialidad y especificidad. Pues, el refranero es, sin lugar a dudas, el exponente más excelso para reflejar la idiosincrasia y el sistema de valores de un pueblo. El refranero es el depositario de la experiencia milenaria de una colectividad determinada. En este sentido, los dichos, proverbios y refranes constituyen un tesoro no sólo para el lingüista, sino para todos los especialistas que usan la vía del lenguaje para analizar y describir los rasgos inherentes a una cultura determinada. El refranero puede servir igualmente de corpus para analizar, describir y comparar el grado de similitud y diferencia entre culturas distintas. La oralidad, origen prioritario de todo tipo de fraseologías, relaciona el refrán con el lenguaje popular y con la espontaneidad, pues la autoría del refranero es colectiva, pertenece a toda la colectividad que le ha dado lugar. Tanto es así que su recepción es asumida por el oyente particular aunque no se enuncie el refrán en su totalidad. El sujeto del refrán o proverbio es la cultura que lo ha visto nacer. Al ser así, y especialmente si es de uso frecuente, refleja el mundo conceptual de dicha comunidad. A la chita callando sería incompresible sin tener en cuenta la historia, la cultura, la fauna y la cultura españolas. Por eso tanto la creación como la recepción de los refranes y proverbios es abordable desde numerosas perspectivas entretejidas cognitivamente.
The objective of this Paper, without any pretence to being an exhaustive study, is to analyse a number of Arabic proverbs from a linguistic-cognitive perspective, with a view to assessing their suitability and capacity for translation into some of the Romance languages, such as Spanish. The collection of proverbs has been selected as a source for the data analysed for its special and specific nature. There can be no doubt that a collection of proverbs in any language represents the most sublime linguistic expression of a people’s idiosyncratic character and system of values, as well as the thousand-year old depository of a determined collectivity. In this sense, sayings and proverbs constitute a veritable treasure trove not only for the linguist but also for those specialists using the language in order to analyse and describe such features as are inherent in a specific culture. The collection of proverbs may equally serve as a corpus to analyse, describe and compare the degree of similarity and difference between various cultures. The verbal aspect, prime source of every type of phraseology, links the proverb to the popular language and to spontaneity. Since the proverbs have a collective authorship, they clearly belong to the collective community which has spawned it. This is so inasmuch as the individual listener comprehends the proverb even though it may not have been uttered in its entirety. The subject of a proverb (or a saying) is the culture which has seen it come into being. Thus – and particularly if it is in frequent use – it mirrors the conceptual world of this community. A phrase such as a la chita callando (“furtively, on the sly”) would be incomprehensible without some knowledge of Spanish history, culture and fauna. Therefore the question of how proverbs are invented and received can be tackled from a variety of perspectives.
The objective of this Paper, without any pretence to being an exhaustive study, is to analyse a number of Arabic proverbs from a linguistic-cognitive perspective, with a view to assessing their suitability and capacity for translation into some of the Romance languages, such as Spanish. The collection of proverbs has been selected as a source for the data analysed for its special and specific nature. There can be no doubt that a collection of proverbs in any language represents the most sublime linguistic expression of a people’s idiosyncratic character and system of values, as well as the thousand-year old depository of a determined collectivity. In this sense, sayings and proverbs constitute a veritable treasure trove not only for the linguist but also for those specialists using the language in order to analyse and describe such features as are inherent in a specific culture. The collection of proverbs may equally serve as a corpus to analyse, describe and compare the degree of similarity and difference between various cultures. The verbal aspect, prime source of every type of phraseology, links the proverb to the popular language and to spontaneity. Since the proverbs have a collective authorship, they clearly belong to the collective community which has spawned it. This is so inasmuch as the individual listener comprehends the proverb even though it may not have been uttered in its entirety. The subject of a proverb (or a saying) is the culture which has seen it come into being. Thus – and particularly if it is in frequent use – it mirrors the conceptual world of this community. A phrase such as a la chita callando (“furtively, on the sly”) would be incomprehensible without some knowledge of Spanish history, culture and fauna. Therefore the question of how proverbs are invented and received can be tackled from a variety of perspectives.
Traducibilidad, refranero, interculturalidad, cognición, comunicación intercultural.
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