Javier Sánchez Zapatero
El artículo repasa las relaciones existentes entre la condición de exiliado y la escritura autobiográfica. Además de su por carácter liberador en momentos traumáticos como los del alejamiento de la patria, la escritura de uno mismo cobra importancia en el exilio por la posibilidad que ofrece de dar una versión diferente de los hechos de la del poder establecido. A través del estudio de la obra de diversos autores –Benedetti, Nabokov, Barea o Zweig-, el artículo intentará analizar los elementos definitorios del género testimonial en la “literatura del exilio”, así como la presencia de elementos autobiográficos en los textos ficcionales.
This paper is an approximation to the autobiographicals texts of some authors –Benedetti, Nabokov, Barea, Zweig...- who during the 20th century suffered the exile. Our intention is to show how the image of the past can not be complete until the societies have the version from people who were excluded for a long time from the society. Also, we try to clarify questions related to the way of constructing and perceiving the testimonies. It is interesting for us to discover how it is possible to reflect the reality with the convencional language or how it is possible to develop a cognitive function with texts as novels -based on invention-.
This paper is an approximation to the autobiographicals texts of some authors –Benedetti, Nabokov, Barea, Zweig...- who during the 20th century suffered the exile. Our intention is to show how the image of the past can not be complete until the societies have the version from people who were excluded for a long time from the society. Also, we try to clarify questions related to the way of constructing and perceiving the testimonies. It is interesting for us to discover how it is possible to reflect the reality with the convencional language or how it is possible to develop a cognitive function with texts as novels -based on invention-.
Literatura comparada, Teoría de la Literatura, exilio, autobiografía, compromiso, experiencia, Mario Benedetti, Vladimir Nabokov, Arturo Barea, Stefan Zweig, Theoretical Literature, Comparative Literature, Exile, autobiography, commitment, experience, Mar
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