Estanislao Ramón Trives
En este trabajo asumimos que lo que se dice exige su significante textual, que surge de los significantes verbales que se manifiestan en el texto, en función del siempre renovado orden intersubjetivo, contextual y cotextual, responsable de la orientación integradora hacia el sentido textual, en función de la dinámica merístico-holística de la condición humana. Las entidades lingüísticas, que no precisan de espacio ni de tiempo ni del hablante individual en el microuniverso del sistema, se ven afectadas por esos componentes en el macrouniverso del discurso, en función de la dialéctica topo-lógica del cuadrado semiótico, (Greimas:1966), condicionado por la interiorización mental de la estructura de las cosas, (F. Héritier:2009). Al hablar, se invita a pensar y se dice mucho menos de lo que se implicita, urgidos por el macro silogismo de la convivencia.
In this paper we accept that all what we are saying requires its textual signifiant, that arises from the verbal signifiants uttered in the text. This is required by the alwyas new intersubjective, contextual and cotextual order, that has the responsibility for the integrated orientation to the textual meaning, which finally is required by the meristic and holistic dynamics of our human condition. The linguistic entities are independent of the space, of the time and of the individual speaking in the system's microuniverse, but they are determinated by those parameters in the discourse's macrouniverse, which is activated by the topo-logical dialectics of the semiotic quadrate (Greimas:1966), in function of the mental impregnation of the structure of the things, (F.Héritier:2009). When we are talking, we are inviting to think and we are communicating much less of what we must leave implicite, through the urgency of the macrosyllogism of our living together.
In this paper we accept that all what we are saying requires its textual signifiant, that arises from the verbal signifiants uttered in the text. This is required by the alwyas new intersubjective, contextual and cotextual order, that has the responsibility for the integrated orientation to the textual meaning, which finally is required by the meristic and holistic dynamics of our human condition. The linguistic entities are independent of the space, of the time and of the individual speaking in the system's microuniverse, but they are determinated by those parameters in the discourse's macrouniverse, which is activated by the topo-logical dialectics of the semiotic quadrate (Greimas:1966), in function of the mental impregnation of the structure of the things, (F.Héritier:2009). When we are talking, we are inviting to think and we are communicating much less of what we must leave implicite, through the urgency of the macrosyllogism of our living together.
Semántica, Pragmalingüística, Sociosemiótica, Teoría cuántica, Lingüística del texto, Semantics, Pragmalinguistics, Sociosemiotics, Quantum theorie, Text linguistics
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