Jean Moline
En el siglo XIX, desde Goya a Fortuny, la pintura española influyó en la francesa. La Galería de pintura española del rey Louis Philippe en el Louvre (1838-1848) permitió dar a conocer la gran pintura clásica española y descubrir a Zurbarán. Decenas de pintores españoles llegaron a París en el siglo XIX, entre los cuales se encontraban, al menos, 14 pintores catalanes. Al principio siguen las directrices del arte académico oficial, pero a partir de 1865 su creación artística queda marcada por el Impresionismo y las escuelas que lo siguieron.
Ramón Casas llegó a París en 1882 y allí coincidió con Santiago Rusiñol y Miquel Utrillo, que estaban acompañados por sus amigos Pere Romeu y Zuloaga. Conocieron y apreciaron los poemas y canciones de Émile Goudeau, Maurice Donnay, Maurice Mac Nab, Jules Jouy o Aristide Bruand y frecuentaron los mismos cabarets artísticos como el Auberge du Clou, el Mirliton, el Chat Noir, el Lyon d'Or y los bailes del Moulin Rouge o del Moulin de la Galette. Fueron influidos por los pintores impresionistas y postimpresionistas, por Chéret, Toulouse-Lautrec, Steinlen. Publicaron los recuerdos de su estancia en la Butte (colina) de Montmartre en la revista Pèl & Ploma en 1900.
En esa época se dieron a conocer en París Sorolla, Zuloaga, Urrabieta Ortiz y los catalanes Canals, Nonell, Casas, Rusiñol y Sert. Picasso llegará a París siguiendo sus pasos.
En 1897, en Barcelona, sobre una idea de Utrillo, Pere Romeu funda Els IV Gats, primo del Chat Noir.
Spanish painters, such as Goya or Fortuny, influenced French painting throughout the 19th century. The great classical Spanish painting, including Zurbarán, was made known by King Louis Philip's Gallery of Spanish Painting at the Louvre (1838-1848). Dozens of Spanish painters settled down in Paris in the 19th century; among them, there were at least 14 Catalan painters. Initially they followed the principles of official, academic art, but from 1865 onwards their artistic creation shifted towards Impressionism and subsequent new tendencies.
Ramón Casas arrived in Paris in 1882, where he met Santiago Rusiñol and Miquel Utrillo, as well as their friends Pere Romeu and Zuloaga. They got acquainted with poems and songs by Émile Goudeau, Maurice Donnay, Maurice Mac Nab, Jules Jouy or Aristide Bruand, which they soon appreciated. They frequented the same artistic cabarets, such as the Auberge du Clou, the Mirliton, the Chat Noir, the Lyon d'Or and the dancing shows at the Moulin Rouge or the Moulin de la Galette. They were influenced by the same impressionist and post-impressionist painters, such as Chéret, Toulouse-Lautrec or Steinlen. They published the memoirs of their stay at the Butte (Montmartre Hill) in the journal Pèl & Ploma in 1900.
At that time, painters such as Sorolla, Zuloaga, Urrabieta Ortiz and the catalan Canals, Nonell, Casas, Rusiñol and Sert were well-known in Paris. Picasso will arrive in Paris following their footsteps.
In 1897, Pere Romeu opens Els IV Gats, an establishment quite similar to the Chat Noir inspired by Utrillo.
Ramón Casas llegó a París en 1882 y allí coincidió con Santiago Rusiñol y Miquel Utrillo, que estaban acompañados por sus amigos Pere Romeu y Zuloaga. Conocieron y apreciaron los poemas y canciones de Émile Goudeau, Maurice Donnay, Maurice Mac Nab, Jules Jouy o Aristide Bruand y frecuentaron los mismos cabarets artísticos como el Auberge du Clou, el Mirliton, el Chat Noir, el Lyon d'Or y los bailes del Moulin Rouge o del Moulin de la Galette. Fueron influidos por los pintores impresionistas y postimpresionistas, por Chéret, Toulouse-Lautrec, Steinlen. Publicaron los recuerdos de su estancia en la Butte (colina) de Montmartre en la revista Pèl & Ploma en 1900.
En esa época se dieron a conocer en París Sorolla, Zuloaga, Urrabieta Ortiz y los catalanes Canals, Nonell, Casas, Rusiñol y Sert. Picasso llegará a París siguiendo sus pasos.
En 1897, en Barcelona, sobre una idea de Utrillo, Pere Romeu funda Els IV Gats, primo del Chat Noir.
Spanish painters, such as Goya or Fortuny, influenced French painting throughout the 19th century. The great classical Spanish painting, including Zurbarán, was made known by King Louis Philip's Gallery of Spanish Painting at the Louvre (1838-1848). Dozens of Spanish painters settled down in Paris in the 19th century; among them, there were at least 14 Catalan painters. Initially they followed the principles of official, academic art, but from 1865 onwards their artistic creation shifted towards Impressionism and subsequent new tendencies.
Ramón Casas arrived in Paris in 1882, where he met Santiago Rusiñol and Miquel Utrillo, as well as their friends Pere Romeu and Zuloaga. They got acquainted with poems and songs by Émile Goudeau, Maurice Donnay, Maurice Mac Nab, Jules Jouy or Aristide Bruand, which they soon appreciated. They frequented the same artistic cabarets, such as the Auberge du Clou, the Mirliton, the Chat Noir, the Lyon d'Or and the dancing shows at the Moulin Rouge or the Moulin de la Galette. They were influenced by the same impressionist and post-impressionist painters, such as Chéret, Toulouse-Lautrec or Steinlen. They published the memoirs of their stay at the Butte (Montmartre Hill) in the journal Pèl & Ploma in 1900.
At that time, painters such as Sorolla, Zuloaga, Urrabieta Ortiz and the catalan Canals, Nonell, Casas, Rusiñol and Sert were well-known in Paris. Picasso will arrive in Paris following their footsteps.
In 1897, Pere Romeu opens Els IV Gats, an establishment quite similar to the Chat Noir inspired by Utrillo.
Pintores catalanes y franceses, Impresionismo, Modernismo, Montmartre, cabarets artísticos, Le Chat Noir, Els Quatre Gats. Catalan and French painters, Impressionism, Modern Style, Montmartre, artistic cabarets, Le Chat Noir, Els Quatre Gats.
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