Pablo Valdivia
En este artículo se analizan en profundidad las bases intelectuales y literarias sobre las que se asienta el proyecto poético de Rafael Juárez, a la vez que se estudia, de forma concreta en su poemario Aulaga, el conjunto de características particulares y distintivas de su poesía. Desde la perspectiva de las teorías enunciadas por Paul Ricoeur sobre las nociones de memoria y olvido, proponemos un horizonte de lecturas, de diálogos y de conceptos con el fin de ayudar a la comprensión no sólo de las claves de la poesía de Rafael Juárez sino también las del paradigma en el que se articula su escritura. Finalmente, a modo de conclusión, se enuncian una serie de posibles líneas de investigación con las que enriquecer el ámbito de las reflexiones críticas sobre la poesía contemporánea, al mismo tiempo que se invita a los especialistas a enfrentarse con nuevas posibilidades de lectura.
In this essay, the intellectual and literary foundations of Rafael Juárez’s poetic discourse are studied in depth. Such assessment is specifically carried out taking as an example his poetry collection entitled Aulaga. From the theoretical framework provided by Paul Ricoeur in his works about the notions of memory and oblivion, we propose a new body of possibilities of readings where Juárez’s project articulates in relation to the literary context of its time and the author’s interests and concerns. Finally, we propose potential further lines of research that could enrich the critical field on Spanish Contemporary Poetry in general and our consideration of Juárez writings in particular.
In this essay, the intellectual and literary foundations of Rafael Juárez’s poetic discourse are studied in depth. Such assessment is specifically carried out taking as an example his poetry collection entitled Aulaga. From the theoretical framework provided by Paul Ricoeur in his works about the notions of memory and oblivion, we propose a new body of possibilities of readings where Juárez’s project articulates in relation to the literary context of its time and the author’s interests and concerns. Finally, we propose potential further lines of research that could enrich the critical field on Spanish Contemporary Poetry in general and our consideration of Juárez writings in particular.
Rafael Juárez, Aulaga, poesía española contemporánea, memoria, olvido.
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